Literature Analysis
1 This took place in the 1960s in Mississippi. It's about a southern journalist named Skeeter, returning from college with dreams of being a writer. She had decided to interview the black women who had spent their lives taking care of white families. One of the Characters who later showed up was Aibileen, an African American women who cared for a two year old girl who she loved dearly..... It shows both perspectives of both women in the book. Later on new characters come in, Minny, hilly and Celia. 2. The main theme would be radical prejudice: hate toward African Americans. All white characters are racist besides Skeeter . In the 1960's, where they still had to be segregated. 3. Skeeters routine everyday would be drinking coffee than brushing her teeth, then going to work. She worked at The Jackson Journal. After work she would hang out with her friends. This would be a daily thing up until the middle of the book. 4. Some literary techniques i have see so far would be Foresh...
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